ADVA means… ADded VAlue
Value is what we bring to our Partners
People feel that we are the right partner to achieve their goals.
We are… The Chemical Partner
We work on our customers’ enquiries and are able to source any chemical. Your product portfolio became our product list and our mission is to provide value on it. Thanks to a network of suppliers and partners covering from East to West we are able to provide best quality products with excellent service.
As leading consultant in the chemicals supply chain we provide services which boost customers’ performance both on purchasing side and sales side. Meet our consultant in order to explore how we can add values to your organization and daily work.
We developed learning program which will boost employees skills in order to reduce the lead-time between hiring and results, improving your success rate in international negotiations. Discover how we can add value to your people too.
ADVA puts environmental protection and sustainability among its core values and gave its support to SOS with a donation of 500 trees that will be planted in the Selamanya Forest to restore a vast area bordering the Leuser Ecosystem – the only place in the world where orangutans, tigers and elephants live side by side.” ADVA wants to create value for our planet, too. Any sustainability program is welcome to get in touch with us and see how we can support initiatives.
Questo progetto è stato avviato con il contributo POR FESR 2014-2020 di Regione Lombardia, Azione 3.a.1.1
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